progressive pride flag


\[ {\oint\limits_{\Gamma_{\mathrm{a} \to \mathrm{b}}} \frac{\delta q}{T}} = 0 \]

A photo of Adelaide in a black dress, standing outside in a garden, in front of a scientific poster about artificial enzymes. She has curly hair, wears square glasses and is doing a peace sign and smiling at the camera. The sky is cloudy behind her.

Hello there! I'm Adelaide Espinoza,

a transgender woman (she/her/hers) and chemist based in Latin America. My current field of expertise involves corrosion chemistry, and anticorrosive coatings -- mostly those which are organic and self-healing.

Currently, I am looking into publishing my first paper and finishing my BSc. thesis. I am also a teaching assistant focused in chemistry and statistics courses for undergraduates.

I usually employ tone indicators in online communications.

ORCiD ORCiD ID icon, showing white lowercase i and uppercase D over a lemon green circle 0000-0001-6484-9140 (scientific CV and publications)
Mastodon Mastodon logo, a purple rectangle with an arched sans-serif M (sharing science and project updates)
Codeberg Codeberg logo, a minimalistic white mountain over a sky blue background amperatrice (coding, programming and open-source)
YouTube YouTube logo, a white 'play' sign over a red rectangle Isoentrópica (audiovisual & science communication)
E-mail @ ada.espinoza[at]proton[dot]me(?) (contact about research)
GnuPG key ASCII armor file (sign Git commits)